Faculty of International Studies
Otemon Gakuin University
国際学部 追手門学院大学

Study in Japan
Located in the Kansai area of Japan, the Faculty of International Studies at Otemon Gakuin University offers qualified international students the opportunity to earn a 4-year undergraduate degree from a from a fully accredited Japanese university.

Students entering the FIS apply to one of two programs of study. In the Global Studies Course, students have the opportunity to develop their English/Japanese language skills while studying a variety of subjects taught in both languages. In the International Culture Course, students have many of the same courses, but focus more on the cultural aspects behind different countries’ perspectives on local/global issues.

Our Classes
Our dedicated faculty teach a diverse set of courses. Want to know about the classes we are teaching right now? Check out our teachers’ blog.
Want to learn more about our faculty? See their profiles here.
Study Abroad Opportunities

With the Faculty of International Studies, students will find multiple opportunities to study abroad. Some programs are language-focused while others are content-focused. Desitination countries include: the United States (both the mainland and Hawaii), Australia, The Philippines, and more. Program durations range from three weeks to one year.
Furthermore, interested students have the opportunity to participate in a “dual-degree” program in association with Kapi’olani Community College (KCC): part of the University of Hawaii. After a year of study in Hawaii, students will earn their Associate Degree from KCC and then return to OGU where they will complete their studies and graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Many programs are held at some of the world’s TOP universities, including, UPENN, American University, University of California at Berkeley.
With the Concentration Packages, we offer three types of special programs (“International Business”, “International Development Support”, and “English Professional”) that combine university studies with internship experience at overseas companies and international development aid organizations. Students can gain knowledge and experience that will help them in the future.
To read about what students accomplished during the 2023 study abroad programs, click here.
Student Voices:

Here is what is happening in our faculty:
OIDAI English Presentation Contest (2024)
Final Round
We are excited for the upcoming Final Round, which will be MC’d by Uchral Batsaikhan (3年), who won the 2023 contest presenting on raising awareness of gender equality issues. Demonstrating that one person CAN make a difference, she then went on to found her own circle at Otemon Gakuen University: the Otemon Equality League.
Student Presenters:
- Hindupur Srinivas Gautam (2年) & Fikri Hikmatul Fallah (2年) : Why Is Politics Important? Love It or Hate It, We Need it
- Aye Saw Latt (1年) Modern Problems: Homelessness in Japan
- Arthur Kazuki Lewington (3年): Reducing GHG Emissions: Climate Change in Northern Europe
- Riko Kyoda (2年) & Funa Morisaki (2年): Let’s Think About Refugees
- Genesis Gancio (2年) & I Komang Ryan Arjuna Widiarta (2年): Toys for All: Celebrating Diversity in Play

Department Faculty:
- Dr. S. Matsumiya
- Dr. H. Hirai
- Dr. R. Miller
Special Guest Judge: Kate de Veas
Horological Warden: Jake Reed
Download the Program HERE.
Final Round Summary
- Date: November 3 (Sunday)
- Time: 13:00 ~
- Location: A391
November 3rd is Culture Day in Japan, and the FIS at Otemon Gakuin University feels this is the perfect day for our student-presenters to share their ideas for a better future.

Study Abroad Journal: Recent Posts
To see all of the Study Abroad Journal posts, click here.

UPENN 2024: Rama’s Map
View the interactive map below to get a sense of Rama’s world while studying abroad:

UPENN 2024: Class Schedule
Mondays: Introduction to Accounting and Finance (8:30-10:00) Textbook: Wharton Custom: Financial Accounting for Undergraduates, 3e by Hanlon, Magee, Pfeiffer. See a preview of the textbook here. Introduction

UPENN 2024: First Impressions
On August 19, 2024, a third year student, Rama Suryadi, became the first of the FIS students to embark on a semester-long study abroad adventure
About Otemon Gakuin University and the Faculty of International Studies
Otemon Gakuin was founded in 1888, with Otemon Gakuin University opening its doors in 1966. Located in Ibaraki City, the university currently has 8 faculties in two campuses. The Faculty of International Studies (FIS) was initiated in 2022 and is based at the Sojiji Campus.