
Here is what is happening in our faculty:

Open Campus 2024

Student Voices:


Sign our Open Campus Guestbook:

Join Our Open Campus Event in 2024!

Have you ever wondered about studying abroad? Are you interested in learning about different cultures? Then our Open Campus event in 2024 is the perfect opportunity for you! Come and join us for a fun-filled day of learning about the Faculty of International Studies, meeting our professors and students, and getting the feel of studying at our Sojiji Campus.



Download the 2023 Kaleidoscope!

Click to download: KALEIDOSCOPE 2023.pdf

演題 「国連で働く」

演題 「国連で働く」

講師 神戸市外国語大学国際関係学部 准教授松田裕美氏   
   UNICEF(国連児童基金)で約20年間アフリカと中東地域などでご活躍されてこられたご経験を元に、国連を身近に感じる講義をしてくださります。国連で働く日時 5月31日(金)1時間目(9:30-11:15)「国際開発支援論II」授業内
場所 総持寺キャンパスA512




Public Speaker Announcement

Invited Speakers:

Dr. Hanayo Hirai would like to announce two upcoming guest lectures for her class International Development Aid and Theory II. 
Please register with the links below
Lectures will be held from 9:30 to 11:15.
November 10:
Lecture by Ms. Saito, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Career Path to the UN: Junior Professional Officer System” (online lecture)
Register HERE
November 24:
Lecture by  Mr. Imai, President of NPO DxP entitled ” Preventing teenage isolation: Initiatives to build a society with hope for the future”
Register HERE
Space is limited to the first 10 respondees.
Lecture by Ms. Saito, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled "Career Path to the UN: Junior Professional Officer System"
Lecture by Mr. Imai, President of NPO DxP entitled " Preventing teenage isolation :Initiatives to build a society with hope for the future"