3rd Annual OIDAI SDGs Initiative Final Round

The 3rd Annual OIDAI SDGs Initiative Final Round

The final round was MC’d by previous contestants Wakana Teramoto and Rama Reinaldo Suryadi.

We saw 5 fantastic initiatives and the end results were:

1st Place: Uchral Batsaikhan (2nd year): Helping Japan Realize Gender Issues and Change

2nd Place: Raiki Shinno & Arthur Kazuki Lewington (2nd years): Making Sexual Minorities Comfortable

Awards of Accomplishment to:

Riko Kyoda, Aina Miki and Tomoe Nishimura (1st years): Project ot Help People with Mental Health Issues

Jennifer Quinn & Angeline Ciyadi (1st years): Interactie App Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Japan

Fikri Hikmatul Fallah (1st year): Education Not Taught in Conventional Schools

The committee would like to thank all of the student applicants, participants and volunteers. The success of this year’s contest was due to their energy and engagement with this project. We would also like to thank our guest judge, Kate de Veas, for bringing her expertise to the judge’s table!