On week 10, our class welcomed 19 students from Sunshine Coast University in Australia. The week before that we made a name card for each Australian student by writing their name in kanji and the meanings by calligraphy pen. Luckily, we had about same number of students, so we made a pair and did a Japanese summer festival workshop together. They made Waribashi Teppo, did a shooting game, and got Japanese sweets as a prize. Even after the class time finished, Australian students and Japanese students stayed in the classroom and exchanged their Instagram accounts. On week 11-13, students gave a mini-lesson aimed at junior high English class. They came up with activities to teach pronunciation using “karuta”, teach past tense using “sugoroku”, and teach grammar rules using “find the mistakes”. They integrated teaching techniques in the textbook into an effective activity that can be implemented for junior high school English class.