ADACHI, Masaru (足立 勝)
PhD (Law)
Classes: Applied Studies in Global Business 1, Global Business III, Global Seminar 1-2, Global Studies 1-4, Research Project 3-4
“Life doesn’t turn out the way you thought, but it does turn out the way you have done.” In order to say that you have done this, find your dreams and what you want to do, and continue to act so that you can achieve them.
Experienced as Hitachi High-Tech (9 years), a Hitachi-affiliated trading company, Director and Senior Legal Counsel (18 years) for Coca-Cola Japan (US), and Executive Officer and Head of Legal Affairs (7 years) for British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. , Professor at Otemon Gakuin University from April 2022
Not all business is conducted based on laws, but laws are enacted for certain routine actions after business has taken precedence in various situations. I am conducting research with the aim of clarifying what is happening in actual business, the lack of the law at the time, or the lack of conventional interpretation, and presenting solutions.