HARA, Megumi (原 めぐみ)


MA (English Education)
Classes: English 1 & 2 (Reading and Writing), English 3 (Communication), Advanced English 3 (Qualification English), Ryugaku Tokubetsu Enshu (留学特別演習)1,2, Project (プロジェクト)1,2

When I was in high school, I did a homestay in California, U.S.A. I could not speak English much then, so I decided to study English hard after that. I went back to the U.S. for college and, I have taught English in various places. Being able to use English not only means that you can get a job where you use English, but it also increases the number of people you can communicate with and broadens your values. Besides, I like to watch English movies and dramas, and my English ability allows me to understand the content more deeply.

You have probably taken English classes from elementary school through high school, but in university English classes, you do not “learn” English. In English 1, 2, and 3, the emphasis is on using English as a tool. The goal of the class is to develop critical thinking skills (how to see and think about things) and multicultural management skills through discussions and presentations in English classes. You will also be able to develop English skills that will lead to higher TOEIC scores, which is necessary to get a job in global companies.

Research Interests: Academic improvement, English learning method, English teaching method, multicultural understanding

I am researching English class designs that will increase students’ understanding and awareness of multiculturalism, different people, and world Englishes, as well as English language skills. As Japan is now a multicultural society, I believe that my research/class is making some kind of contribution to society by trying to foster students who are aware of the need to accept others who are different and make proper actions.

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