SHIBUYA, Emi (澁谷 恵美)


PhD (Literature)

Advanced English 1, English 1,2,4, Project 1,2
Introduction to Global and Local Languages
Applied Studies in Global and Local Languages
Applied Studies in Global and Local Cultures

A variety of encounters during university years enrich your life.
In your university life, I hope you learn through your own experience and practice.

When I was a university student, I followed my curiosity of learning foreign languages.
This led me to travel, work, and study abroad. Living and experiencing abroad expanded my interest in both Japanese and other cultures, values and ways of communication. These experiences are invaluable in my life, and still I am always fascinated by different values, cultures, countries, ideas, and languages…

I hope you challenge and enjoy various activities and experiences at your initiative to open the door of your own curiosity at Otemon Gakuin University!

Research Interest:
My research focuses on the foreign language learning and tourism study, also investigating the foreign language education for elderly citizens, using tour guiding contents as for specific purposes. As well, multilingual approach is my research interest after almost 12 years of my life, work, and learning experience in Belgium. Especially in foreign language learning/teaching as well as in tourism studies, with various approach as mentioned above are still continuously evolving with my passion.

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