Faculty of International Studies

Otemon Gakuin University

At the Faculty of International Studies (FIS), our goal is to prepare each cohort of students contribute to a global society. We approach this endeavor through through a curriculum which provides first and second year students  with classes and seminars focused on:

  • English & Japanese Studies
  • Global Liberal Arts
  • ICT & Digital Communication
  • Future Design & Innovation

Students are accepted into one of two majors within the Faculty of International Studies: Global Studies and International Culture. In the first year, students start building a strong foundation in foreign languages, knowledge of culture (both local and international),  the use of ICT, and the soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem solving. Beginning with the second year, students have the opportunity to join into an independent study course guided by the faculty member whose research interests closely align with those of the students. In their third and fourth years, students  join smaller seminar classes and delve deeper into the topics that interest them. Opportunities for study abroad are available during the first three years of the program. In their fourth year, students prepare a Capstone Research Project that encapsulates their learning journey with FIS.

Our students also have the opportunity to further develop as global citizens by participating in a Concentration Package:

This is a groundbreaking program that combines pre-class instruction and post-class instruction at the university with programs at overseas companies, international development assistance organizations such as NGOs and other academic institutions. By participating in this program, students can gain the knowledge and experience that will lead them towards their desired futures in fields such as “international business,” “international development and assistance,” and “expert in English language.”

  • International Business (for Global Studies major): Learn entrepreneurship spirit and marketing through overseas internships.
  • International Development and Assistance (for Global Studies majors): Engage in international volunteer activities and fieldwork to tackle poverty and environmental issues and promote community development in the Philippines.
  • English ProfessionalAcquire English teaching methods at affiliated academic institutions in Australia and other countries, while also gaining experience in supporting Japanese language education at local schools.

Major in Global Studies

With a stronger focus on English language ability, students in this program learn to evaluate global issues through a multifaceted lens that takes into account related factors such as culture, history, geography, and society. The best solutions to current and future problems will only come from individuals who can both see ‘the big picture’ and the component parts that underlie those problems. With courses in business and the opportunity to work with international companies and international aid organizations, students will become more familiar with the mechanisms and processes that are involved in solving problems such as those related to poverty and the environment. 

Potential Career Opportunities: Public servants with organizations such as the United Nations, public interest organizations such as JICA, international NGOs, both Japanese and international media companies such as TV stations and publishers, interpretation and translation, trading companies.

Major in International Culture

Students in this program learn about multiculturalism and the international community shared by a global society. Students research and learn about the myriad of ways culture influences the choices people make, the way they communicate, and the way their societies function. Developing this kind of multicultural awareness can only be fostered once students have come to understand how their own culture influences their lives. 

Upon graduation, students in this program will have been given the opportunities to English language proficiency and multicultural awareness to the level where they can immediately become effective members and leaders of diverse groups of people in various professional settings. 

Potential Career Opportunities: Global trading and manufacturing companies, service industry, tourism industry, teaching/education, language teaching, etc. 

Study Abroad Opportunities

With the Faculty of International Studies, students will find multiple opportunities to study abroad. Some programs are language-focused while others are content-focused. Desitination countries include: the United States (both the mainland and Hawaii), Australia, The Philippines, and more. Program durations range from three weeks to one year.

Furthermore, interested students have the opportunity to participate in a “dual-degree” program in association with Kapi’olani Community College (KCC): part of the University of Hawaii. After a year of study in Hawaii, students will earn their Associate Degree from KCC and then return to OGU where they will complete their studies and graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree.

Many programs are held at some of the world’s TOP universities, including, UPENN, American University, University of California at Berkeley

With the Concentration Packages, we offer three types of special programs (“International Business”, “International Development Support”, and “English Professional”) that combine university studies with internship experience at overseas companies and international development aid organizations. Students can gain knowledge and experience that will help them in the future.

To read about what students accomplished during the 2023 study abroad programs, click here.
Logo UPenn 04
Seal of University of California, Berkeley
American University Logo
Kapi'olani CC logo

Here is what we are teaching now:

Partial List of Offered Classes

English Classes

Reading & Writing


Speech & Presentation

Critical Thinking

Japanese Classes

Japanese Language Seminars

Business Japanese

Technology Classes

Data Science & AI

ICT Security

ICT & Innovation

Digital Text Analysis

Digital Content Development

Database Management

Globally Focused Seminars

Global and Local Relationships

Global and Local Languages

Global and Local Cultures

Global Languages

Global Business

Theory of International Development Aid

Multicultural Management


Global Seminar

Independent Study

English Linguistics

American & British Literature

American History & Culture

British History & Culture


In consultation with your primary Academic Advisor, your 4 years of study will cumulate with Capstone Research Project.

All classes are taught at our Sojiji Campus.