Through our 13 classes on the topics of the Hospitality and Services in wide-ranging sections, each member in this class continued to research their projects as reported in the previous articles. For their final presentations and end of the semester reporting, they tried to improve and to make more attractive contents by adding data or referring to some implementation of the cases in international scales.
All the topics chosen from this class in this semester includes the significance in our current society, and we are hoping that our discussion could be triggers for contributing to revitalizing a better society and economy.
On the last day, in the latter half of the class, we invited Ms. Matsui from Career Development and Support Division, so that we understand the job search/market, especially in sectors that we have been discussing in class. Mainly 3 important topics were raised:
- What you can prepare for job search in the summer period of junior year in university.
- Highlight an approach to airline industry related jobs & recruitment and hearing Matsui san’s experience as a Cabin attendant of an airline company.
- Examples of planning, preparation and measures to achieve your goals. (e.g. improving your language skills, recognizing and thinking of self-promotion and your strengths through self-analysis)
At the session’s conclusion, a Q&A session helped our current concerns and future countermeasures in relation to job search and individual projects.
In the end, we are glad that we were able to deepen our discussions on theoretical and practical aspects toward realization of our objectives throughout the semester.
* We have already discussed airline and airport jobs/different types of functions of jobs in the airlines in our class, referring to the webpage such as, “Interview” page of ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD. and some videos in “Media Gallery” page of CKTS COMPANY LIMITED.