Invited Speakers:
Dr. Hanayo Hirai would like to announce two upcoming guest lectures for her class International Development Aid and Theory II.
Please register with the links below
Lectures will be held from 9:30 to 11:15.
November 10:
Lecture by Ms. Saito, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Career Path to the UN: Junior Professional Officer System” (online lecture)
Register HERE
Lecture by Ms. Saito, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Career Path to the UN: Junior Professional Officer System” (online lecture)
Register HERE
November 24:
Lecture by Mr. Imai, President of NPO DxP entitled ” Preventing teenage isolation: Initiatives to build a society with hope for the future”
Lecture by Mr. Imai, President of NPO DxP entitled ” Preventing teenage isolation: Initiatives to build a society with hope for the future”
Register HERE
Space is limited to the first 10 respondees.