This week we had our final session of Research Project 4G. Students each gave a short presentation to sum up what they had learnt through their research on a topic related to “border-crossing”. The topics of the students’ research range from popular music, such as the use of multiple languages by K-POP artists and analysis of English-language lyrics by the Japanese group ONE OK ROCK; to consideration of what happens to cultural practices and goods when they cross borders, in such varied cases as Japanese pottery, anime, pasta and Korean drama; and issues relating to intercultural communication between individuals in Japan. At the end of each presentation, students were invited to share their impression of what “border-crossing” means to them, and responses included the value that is gained from interaction between different cultures and the enhanced awareness of cultural differences. This final presentation, together with the submission of students’ final reports due the end of the same week, represent the fruit of a year spent thinking about “border-crossing” as it takes place and can be perceived from within the borders of Japan and the Japanese language. As the teacher of the course, having seen students’ ability to adapt these ideas to areas of their own interest, I am confident they will be able to skillfully navigate their next great “border-crossing”: as new graduates of OGU.