There were four reports in this course that the students submitted during the semester. Each of the first three reports had a different topic, referring to one of the articles selected by each student from the online materials. Taking into account the contents of the selected article, the student set the original topic and research question(s), and found sources to answer their own research question(s). The first report had a minimum of 800 characters in Japanese, while the second and third reports had a minimum of 1000 characters each. At the end of the semester, students submitted a final report of 2000 characters or more, with a totally original topic and research question(s). The only requirement in the topic selection was that it has to be related to cultural diversity and inclusion. Students also presented summaries of their final reports in the class. There were many interesting topics including new and flexible work styles, gender issues in corporate management and politics, life issues for international residents or students in Japan, and cartoon and animation as a means to cultural exchange. By bringing all the research outcomes together, the class was able to learn a wide variety of perspectives for transforming our society into a more diverse and inclusive one.