Theory of International Development & Aid 4

In July, the students made a group presentation about one of the four topics.

  1. proposal for the promotion of fair trade
  2. proposal for solving issues related to monoculture agribusiness
  3. proposal for a social business to address gender equality
  4. proposal for learning initiatives from gender advanced countries.

The presentations featured exciting proposals for problem-solving, and Mr. Keita Okushi, Director of the Otemon Gakuin WIL Promotion Center, who participated as a discussant, gave insightful comments. The class concluded with a reflection discussion. In the reflection sheet, the followings are the comments of the students about the class:

“Through the class, I learned that when it comes to development assistance on a global scale, it is necessary to approach it with the understanding that there are people with different cultures and customs.”

“I have come to feel the importance of considering not only Japan but also the current global situation and background when approaching various matters.”

“I aspire to broaden my perspective to encompass global issues. This course has been a catalyst for me to start considering not only development assistance but also other matters in terms of the local context and circumstances.”

“I have also learned the significance of taking action, as nothing will change if we don’t act. I believe this lesson will be highly valuable for my future endeavors, such as taking on challenges and assisting others.”

“In each class, the lessons were conducted in a concise and thorough manner, with strict adherence to the schedule. There were also numerous discussions, making the classes both educational and enjoyable. Through this course, I was able to learn about society and reflect upon my own words and actions. Thank you very much for everything!”

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